Monday, June 09, 2008

PORTO and DMH win again

The leading French driver for some is JMB (gee-em-bay) Jean-Michel Bazire, but for me it is the up and coming DMH (day-em-arsh), David-Marion Hue, who followed up his easy win at Chalons behind Porto with another success at Vire. According to reports he had to ask Porto to work in the straight after being briefly headed, but the response was quick and effective. A big congratulations to David for his driving and preparation. June 23 at La Croise Laroche could be his next race. Winning definitely isn't everything but it sure is nice!!!

Unfortunately the switch to Vire on Monday meant I couldn't see the victory but a fabulous weekend , built around Marion's sister Brigitte's 50th birthday party - merci beaucoup Teresa and others for all the gorgeous food - included seeing Orlando have a serious workout on the track. He looks great and is obviously enjoying his dual role. There are four more mares awaiting his favours in the coming days because Bernard and Marion have decided to put all their mares to him. It's a repeat of last years's big gamble, but he has all the qualities one would want in a stallion so all we can do is hope they can perform like him. Sadly, one of his nicest (out of Naomi des Baux by Coktail Jet) died of an infection (snake bite??) just before the weekend, but the others are looking great (to my eye). My two by Modern Jazz have grown quickly and look much more impressive now. And Festina and Polina have both scanned in foal to Gros Grain.

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